Sunday, July 8, 2012


WWII lead to some changes in food production, frozen foods became increasingly popular and convenience foods came onto the market. Frozen orange juice was born out of a desire to provide the armed forces with a better tasting product. Orange growers in Florida hired scientists to develop a process to freeze the juice while retaining a fresh flavor.

The researchers developed a process to concentrate the juice by evaporating the water and freezing the result. The scientists found that adding some fresh juice to the concentrate before freezing helped the process and the resulting product was offered to the troops.

The civilian market was a little tougher to crack, commercial juices were not that popular and many stores didn’t have the capability to store frozen foods, but extensive advertising helped the popularity of the drink and these are a few of the magazine ads.

I realize that all my posts are for frozen foods, I am in Wisconsin where is it hot as hell and dry as the desert, writing these posts is helping keep me cool.

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